Mid-IR chemical sensing
Ti:sapphire-pumped OPO
STFC astrocomb outreach
EPSRC frequency combs for manufacturing project
Ruth, Tobi and Cristtel
Dstl-funded UAV gas sensing project
STFC astrocomb PRD project
Dstl-funded hazardous chemical sensing project
SALT-HRS astrocomb campaign
EPSRC speculative engineering project
In collaboration with QMRI Edinburgh
STFC CLASP project
EPSRC compact combs project
Dong and Guillaume
Dstl Red Alert project
SALT-HRS comb-calibration campaign
Astrophotonics outreach (Reid and Thomson)
Cerullo, Squier, Wadsworth, Reid, Nolte, Marangos, Bucksbaum and Townsend
High-NA 3D point-spread function
Dstl EngD project (Luke Maidment)